Having been a 5 handicapper as a teenager, I didn't play golf for 8 years. In 2007 I started playing golf again, and was given a handicap of 8 by my new club. I set myself a 5 season target to become a scratch golfer, the deadline being 30th September 2011. The clock is ticking.......

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Roadtrip; Stonehaven

Roadtrip; Stonehaven

Hmmm, difficult to know what to say about Stonehaven. The wind was much stronger than yesterday, in fact it was blowing a gale. As I had expected, some of the views were absolutely spectacular, the course was a bit of a let down in places though, lots of blind shots, crossing other fairways, and sideslopes.
I just couldn't get into the swing of things on the front 9, out in 9 over 41, but I played a bit better on the back 9 and came back in 1 over 35, which was mostly into the wind. To give an indication of how windy it was, on the 14th and 15th, both par 3s of 169 and 161 yards respectively, I hit two 4 irons, absolutely out of the bolts, onto the green. The last, a 211 yard par 3, was a full blooded, well hit driver, to get just past the hole.
The greens were the smallest we have played on this week, and they hadn't been cut (today, and by looking at some of them maybe yesterday as well) so were very hairy and didn't roll well at all.
All in all, I'm glad I played the course, but I won't be in a rush to go back.
The photos are the view from the first tee, the view from the second tee looking at the town, and the view from the 15th tee looking down the cliffs.

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