I’ve not hit a golf ball since my last post, but there have still been a couple of ups and downs.
The down is that my handicap has managed to go up another 0.1 without even playing. I found out that the Competition Scratch Score wasn’t the provisional figure I had been told, for a competition I played in a couple of weeks ago, so my handicap had gone up instead of staying the same. There is a kind of perverse pleasure when my handicap goes up, and it gives me more scope to get cut further. That defies all sensible logic, I should want my handicap to be as low as possible, but I feel like my handicap going up gives me a slingshot for a good run of getting it reduced. Having said that, the way this season has gone, I need one of these slingshots sooner rather than later.
The up side is that my knee is on the road to being mended. For any American readers who have heard the Republican claims that the NHS is “evil and Orwellian” over the last year, below is my experience of the services it has provided me.
Monday 9.20am; Phone doctor
Monday 10.20am; See doctor, prescribed anti-inflammatory tablets and referred to knee specialist
Monday 11.00am; Pick up medicine from chemist
Tuesday 2.00pm; Arrange appointment with knee specialist
Next Tuesday 2.00pm; Appointment with knee specialist
I’m not going to suggest that my experiences are replicated across the country 100% of the time, but I would have been hard pushed to have got a better level of service anywhere else in the world.
The anti-inflammatories (which I had within 2 hours of first contacting my doctor) have worked fantastically so far, my knee is in no pain whatsoever, and the underlying cause should be investigated next week. The total cost of all this? £7.20 ($11) for the medicine. Had I been younger, older, or a vulnerable member of society, I wouldn’t even have had to pay that.
Thanks to the NHS I’ll be playing on Friday and Sunday in competitions I didn’t think I’d be anywhere near being fit enough to play in.
Glad to hear your good words for the NHS in there too! I will hopefully be working for the NHS as a physiotherapist after i complete my masters and head possibly towards my doctorate and although it isn't a perfect system i would defend it as much as possible as they have to be up there in the hardest jobs in the world (both in running the NHS and also being an employee of the NHS).